Translations:Course logistics and practicalities/12/en

The following tips can help you overcome any anxieties.

  • Remember, you know the materials. Remind yourself that you are well prepared, that you are familiar with the training materials
  • Read through the materials, discuss with other trainers that have used the materials before, and try some of the suggested activities if you are unfamiliar with them.
  • Release the tension. Take deep breaths. Breathe from your diaphragm and remember to exhale all the way. It also helps to exercise regularly, as unused energy may come out as anxiety.
  • Rehearse. Practice, practice, practice some of the lesson, until you feel comfortable.
  • Think through the possible problems that could arise and what strategies you have to deal with them.
  • Work out what your first few sentences are going to be so that during the first few seconds you don’t have to think.
  • Don’t tell the participants that you are nervous.
  • Know the training room and your equipment. Test your audio and visual equipment in advance. Make sure that instructional aides such as paper, pencils, flip charts, tape, etc. are on hand and sufficient in number.
  • Know the participants. Check the region/s participants are from, their native language, and learn key words and phrases. Greet and talk with them as they arrive for the session(s).
  • Reassure yourself. The participants are not there to see you perform; they are there to learn the material. Future trainers are not there to scrutinize you or waiting for you to make a mistake. Most likely, they want you to succeed because that means an interesting training for them, and as adult learners they will receive information that is relevant and applicable.