Translations:DiseaseInvestigation:Course Manual/147/en

  • Washing hands with soap, taking bath and washing clothes after handling animals
  • Cleaning and disinfecting (spraying, dipping) all goods, particularly vehicles that will enter farm area
  • Spraying pens with insecticide, acaricide or disinfectant where indicated
  • Disposing and burning medical waste after conducting investigation at the incident site.
  • Limiting disease transmission caused by employee mobility and restricting people from freely entering the farm as it may cause disease transmission.
  • Burning or burying carcass of livestock that died after suffering from diseases, infectious diseases in particular
  • Providing disinfection facilities for staffs/employees
  • Removing dead livestock from the pen immediately to be buried or eliminated by the authorized officers
  • Carcass of cattle that died suddenly and bloods discharged from the orifices: MUST NOT BE OPENED.
  • Separating and managing pens for adult cattle, young cows and calves
  • Using a quarantine pen to observe cattle that just arrived or is about to enter a farm
  • Practising appropriate husbandry, e.g. Bali cattle cannot be raised with sheep because of the risk of malignant catarrhal fever, a serious disease in Bali cattle.
  • Separating sick animals from healthy, rearing species separately, separate age cohorts
  • Treating sick animals
  • Regular cleaning and manure/litter removal
  • Vaccinating animals
  • Good husbandry, low stress, good nutrition, clean water