Translations:Training and Facilitation Guide:SMS Message Training points/44/en

SK [ID pemilik] [asal] [tujuan] ([spesies/bangsa] [jumlah hewan]...) {telepon pemilik}

  • In the future, a web interface and possibly an app will be available for entering data more easily.
  • Only accepts the national ID card number, not driver's licence at the moment
  • Each permit is given a unique ID number by the system
  • Completed permit sent to email address for printing, completing and stamping at the office. Animal owners should be asked to come into the office to collect certificate.
  • Coordinators need to set the correct staff email addresses for receiving emailed certificates
  • Need to establish clear responsibilities and workflow/process for the certificates
  • Will need to enter some data by hand
  • In the future, the national ID system may be linked to iSIKHNAS so that owner’s details are entered automatically
  • Repeated sequence possible for multiple species