Translations:Training and Facilitation Guide:SMS Message Training points/66/en


  • 2 ‘list’ style entries – tanda and diagnosa which need to be separated by a comma if multiple entries are required
  • Signs recognition practice (Pelsa and Dinas)
  • General signs versus Priority syndrome awareness raising
  • Differential diagnosis vs definitive diagnosis
  • Avoid using 'other signs', ‘tanda lain’
  • Repeating sequence (species, number of animals) for multiple species with similar signs
  • Codes for specific signs can be queried using CKT [nama tanda]. Sign codes can be found by CKT [freetext] query which allows users to query the code for signs which start with similar letters or match the freetext entry. Eg CKT kembung returns kembung KBG and other options with similar letter configurations.
  • When to use optional location code – pelsa with several villages, dinas almost always
  • New location codes – imperfect at the moment but will gradually be updated locally
  • AH staff vs Pelsa reporters – different message formats - no diagnosis for pelsa.
  • U report from Dinas does not require an R report. U report from Dinas is U and R together.
  • Diagnostic strengthening training for Dinas staff will be available in the near future
  • 100% response rate should be the target – mostly by telephone perhaps
P [syndrome] [species] [number of animals] {location} {diagnosis,diagnosis...}


  • Priority codes and definitions – 6 syndromes but should also be referred to as a tool for reporting "important" disease, not just listed "priority diseases"
  • 1 additional undefined Priority syndrome where signs don’t fit into the syndrome description but reporter feels urgent response is required (if suspected to be zoonotic, highly contagious, high mortality etc)
  • Positive Consequences (Those who report P should be thanked for staying alert, even if their report turns out to be false alarm, as it will in many cases, at least it shows reporter is alert and conscious of importance of distinguishing important from routine disease. )
  • Differential diagnosis vs definitive diagnosis
  • 100% should be visited quickly (after a telephone call to ask for further details)
  • Repeating sequence (species, number of animals) for multiple species with similar syndrome
  • Location code will be required for reports by Dinas staff
  • List style entry for differential diagnoses – multiple diseases should be separated by a comma
  • Disease codes can be found by using CKP [nama penyakit]
  • Additional Priority Syndrome added which allows Pelsa to report urgent looking case (zoonosis, high morbidity/mortality or contagious) without having a clear syndrome = alert for unknown or exotic