Daftar isi
Tentang iSIKHNAS
Gambaran singkat tentang sistem informasi kesehatan hewan terpadu yang baru di Indonesia.
Apa yang membuatnya istimewa?
iSIKHNAS merupakan salah satu sistem pengumpulan informasi kesehatan hewan elektronik di lapangan, yang paling canggih dan menyeluruh di dunia. iSIKHNAS dibangun di atas prinsip kuat yang menempatkan pada pusat sistem orang-orang yang hidup dan bekerja di tengah masyarakat perdesaan , sembari tetap menyediakan solusi analisis data yang disesuaikan bagi semua pengguna dan para pemangku kepentingan.
What is it for?
The data collected from routine and priority field disease reports, laboratory submissions and results, slaughter and production data as well as priority disease investigations can be accessed in real-time as they become available for use in stronger, evidence-based decision making for disease and resource management.
How does it work?
Data is recorded from the field via SMS, Instant Messaging, spreadsheet or online data submission. The data is immediately available to data users for good decision making for control and prevention activities.
What does it do?
iSIKHNAS uses everyday technology to manage a wide range of data collected for different purposes so that it can be used in an integrated way for analysis and decision making.
What are the benefits?
Everyone involved in animal health will benefit. Farmers will have easier access to veterinary services. Field staff will have much less paperwork. Decision makers at every level will have access to real time data. Production and breeding will be better monitored. Animal movements will be better managed. The service iSIKHNAS provides at all levels will assist in a great many wider areas to do with resource planning and management.
Who is involved?
Paravets and vets, village reporters, abattoirs, laboratories, inseminators, veterinary public health, quarantine, vaccinators, and even many farmers... and more.
How is it managed?
iSIKHNAS is managed by a committee supported by technical expertise groups. Coordinators in regions, provinces and districts provide day to day support to the people closest to the animals and their owners - the field level staff, the system's data reporters.
How can I get involved?
Find out what is required for implementation in your area and get better prepared for the impact and benefits.
Register to be involved
If you think your district is iSIKHNAS 'ready' - your Kepala Dinas can register to be involved. This will help the training team plan training activities in your area.